Okay...so above you see pics from this weekends March of Dimes / March For Babies walk. My sorority participates in the walk annually, held in Riverside, starting and finishing at RCC. The walk is for a wonderful cause! For more info visit: http://www.marchforbabies.com/
First...I do want to GIVE a HUGE THANKS for those who helped me surpass my goal! I had a goal of $200, but actually raised $300! My chapter actually turned in I believe somewhere arounf $1500, which we also exceeded our goal!
My contributors...
Ray Alexander
Barbara Butler
Stanley Butler
After.... (missing my picture!) =( Will insert later....
Here is me and my long time friend and coworker Laurie! We met up a few times during the walk. She was also walking with her good friends Jodi & Ruby, which I hadn't seen them in YEARS! I told Laurie that I would like to finish the walk no later than 11am....and guess what...we finished it about 30 minutes before 11am! We were on a roll! Don't get me wrong....it was for a wonderful cause BUT! The weather! It was just HOT out of nowhere! LOL! So that was the rough part...We started the walk about 8:30, 8:45 and we did the 6 miles in little over 2 hours, it was great!
So...what else....did I mention already that I was sore? Honestly...it feels like someone has spready my legs as far as they could possibly go in opposite directions! And to top it off after my adrenaline settled down..I was walking like I was about to re-deliver Breanna! I am feeling alot better today thank God! =)
My Lovely Sorors from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, INC! We showed up in numbers! Members of Epsilon Sigma, undergraduate chapter, Pi Zeta Zeta chapter, Pearlettes and Amicettes were all there representing!
After we were done, I really couldn't wait to get home, shower and wash my face and get all the dried up salt (from my sweat) off my face! Of course when I get home, Breanna already had her nap so she is ready to play! LOL! I thought maybe if I lay her down with me and watch TV or something she would be cool and mellow...NOPE! She was climbing on me, crawling over me, stepping on me...trying to dive off my bed! But the girl was tired thats the funny thing. SO...obviously that wasn't working! So what I did was nicely picked her up, grabbed her paci (pacifier), and her fav blanket...put her in her bed...I peeked in their twice and she was standing up, looking at herself in the mirror of her closet doors. The 3rd time I walked in there, she was kinda kneeling down...so I let went back and did the dishes. 4th time I walked in there this is what I saw...
Until next year!