Where is the scustomer service these days? I mean don't get mad at me cause you chose McDonalds to be your place of employment! It's not my fault you had a bad day, and you got mad cause I wanted paper and plastic to bag my gorceries! Don't be rollin your eyes at me! I saw you...I'm just saying...don't be mad at me!
Customer service has reached its ALL TIME LOW. Sucks, because customer service is a high priority for me! Customer service is what keeps people coming back for more business! Hello!?
So today...I am doing my part..in giving my own customer appreciation....
Thanks to all of my faithful blog readers! I have to admit, I have really surprised myself as to how much I been bloggin lately! Is it just me or do you like seeing that there is an extra comment for your post? Is is just me that you may frown if you don't get any comments? Is it just me!? =)
So anyway...here we go...I had an acrylic posting last week and IF you read it all the way you would have noticed that if you gave a little lovin in the comment section you would receive a some acrylic pieces! Well, I only had 5 comments...but I really want to say thanks to ALL 5 who did comment! I did do a random draw first and that winner was Laurie Herrera!! Thanks Laurie for not only being the first to comment but also you were randomly selected for the pieces, XOXO! And since I only had 5, I would like to extend my appreciation and send everyone who left some lovin a RAK! Yup, you read right...heck! I'm sending everyone something!
If the fabulous 5 can drop me an email with your addy to : LuvJones78@msn.com, that would be great so IO can get your goodies in the mail!
Again..I just want to say thank you! Thanks to not only the fab 5 butTHANKS to everyone who actually does stop by and read my post, it is truly appreciated!
8 hours ago
Do you really need my addy? You can just walk down 2 office and save on postage. LOVE YOU TOO!!
Aww you're too nice! LOL I love getting comments too and I am really bad about reading my friends' blogs on a regular basis--I'm trying! But I totally know what you mean...keep the posts coming! (btw do you have to enter this word verification thing every time you leave a comment? It really slows me down and it is killing me over here...)
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