I just LOVE watching her grow, she keeps me entertained thats for sure!
I thought you would enjoy some updated pics my little girlfriend...
Please don't even ask....but yes, she climbed up ands was sitting on the lip of her toy box. It is the door of the toy box. I told Reg it would be tragic if she were to fall off...next thing I know, she topples and her reply is not a cry but instead, I hear, "Ugh oh!" LOL!!!!!
My supah starrrr...LOL! She thinks she is sooo fly and untouchable with this hat and her sunglasses on...
Me trying to clean out some toys....what a mess...
Her dad wasn't too happy...he'll get over it as he did last time! =)
Keeping her occupied while mommy scrapbooked! She was cool for all of about 20 minutes!
tooo cute Trisha!!! Can't wait to see your layouts with these pictures... esp. the toes!!
Awww so cute! They grow up so fast!!
She is just too precious and growing so fast! I can remember when she was born like it was yesterday. Girl, can you believe Xander turned 1 Thursday? Where in the world does the time go?
OMG get out of here almost 2!!! What a fab little diva you have on your hands :)
Long time no chat, how are u doin girl?!
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