Okay well which do you want first?
How about the bad news..no one really wants to hear or be in the position that I was in on Friday morning....we all have loved ones and you all now how special she is to me. I was sitting in the Dr's office with my nana when he delivered the news. She does have cancer. Which type? Not sure. Why aren't we sure? Well...the Dr. indeed knows that it is not in one place, in fact it is widespread. He showed us the clear results of her catscans (and boy technology...I tell you...is a mutha!) Anyway...he showed us first her liver....the worst of all..has 14 holes in it...not good (was never an alcholic or smoker), then he showed us she has alot of fluid in her tummy, not good...then the mass in the pelvic area. She has a series of test to go through so they can possibly pinpoint a more specific area as to where it may have originated. So we should be goin back to the Dr. this week. Dr. also will be referring her to the Medical Oncology dept. to get her started with chemo ASAP.
So...on to the best news. She is in the best of spirits. My nana is a woman of faith, a strong woman, mother 0f 5, among the 5, 3 are still living. She has 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Did I mention I am the only (biological) granddaughter. Yeah...so you know she spoiled me especially. =) Maybe that's why she is my girl! Anyway...She is a woman of strength and has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her savior. My nana has a really positive outlook and that is EXACTLY what she needs right now...we know how that all works right? Positive outlooks, positive results. She is a remarkable woman...also a breast cancer survivor (back in the 70's)
So...that makes me feel just a wee little better...not alot but a little. =) I think she almost took the news better than any of us.
I took it really hard, but really had to hold it together for her...
So now it is truly my time to step up my granddaughter duties and take care of her the best way I can...I truly feel I am about to step into some big shoes, as I will be pretty much the one taking her to her appt's, keeping up with her Dr. visits etc. The only bad part about this is she lives an hour away...We have her going to the hospital out here since there are more of us with transportation out this way.
With this extra responsibilities and duties that will be approaching, I will DEFINITELY need my support line! I need you all to pray, for those who believe! Please pray for my strength as well...to stay together and keep it together for myself, Bre and other family members. My oldest cousin is not taking the news well at all. She has done so much for us, and now it is time for us to do for her.
Also...can someone pray that she PLEASE RESIGN??? Yes! She is still working...LOL! She is a supervisor for Los Angeles County Department of Social Services (welfare)...so you know what kind of headache she has when she comes home. But hey...that may be what keeps her goin...
THANK you to all my friends and even ones I have never met that left positive thoughts on my previous blog...means the world to me, from the bottom of my heart.
Cherish today and cherish the ones you love...
Love Always...
10 hours ago
Trisha, I am so sorry to read about your Nana. You and your nana will be in my prayers. You have a beautiful little girl!
Wow your Nana sounds like one special lady. I will definitely be keeping you all in your prayers. It is strange that the people suffering usually seem to be the strongest out of all of us.
So sorry to hear about your Nana, Trisha. I'm glad to hear she has her faith and family to help her through this. Sending you hugs and strength.
I will be adding you guys to my women's prayer group and keeping you in my own prayers daily. She sounds like a great woman and with her strength in Him she will walk this difficult path wrapped in His love.
many, many, many, prayers!
{Hugs} From south carolina!
I've tagged you in my lasted blog, but attend to your fam!
In the precious and healing name of Jesus, I ask that the Lord comfort, heal, strengthen, and keep you, your granny and your family covered in His love.
My thoughts are with you Trisha, you and your Nana are strong.
Trisha, sorry to hear about your Nana. I will definitely pray for your nana.
*hugs* -Rochelle
Trisha, you and your nana will be in my thoughts and prayers. The faith and strength you both share will help you through this. Sending hugs.
Trisha, I just now saw the post about your Nana. How terrible, for both of you. It does not sound good.
I can completely understand you wanting your nana to retire, but she may not be in a position to do so right now. Unfortunately, when we leave our jobs, we leave behind our medical insurance as well as our paycheck.
I will continue to lift you and your nana in prayer.
Trisha, I have been so behind, and I am just now reading about your nana. I am so sorry to hear that, but she sounds like a remarkabe and strong woman. I am sure everything will work according to Gods plan, but you and your family are all in my prayers!! loveya sweetie!!
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