Oooh you don't know how MUCH I contemplated on going to church yesterday morning. It wasn't until I received a text and my friend informed me that they were in church and would call me later. For whatever reason that made me realize, well, hmm...there really isn't any good reason for me not going. Even though I went in my jeans and a shirt...I went.
The LORD says, "Come as you are!" I came and man! Why was there a straight party up in church first thing! Praise & Worship was off the chain yesterday morning!!! Woke me right up!!!! Finally after our SERIOUS praise session...Dr. Woods got into his sermon. It was so good I got 2 CD's cause I know a few people that need to listen to them!
Pastor said, "You need to have your own bible!" It was kinda funny when he said it...because I am sometimes guilty of maybe just looking on the screen behind him. Usually its because I am busy writing down the scriptures so that I can reflect later and re-read.
Pastor Woods said, we need to be able to pull out our bibles at any time of day or night. In the midnight hour, there will not be that screen that shows you the bible make sure YOU don't always rely and become some dependent on the screen!
I have my bible and bring it faithfully every Sunday! Its almost like not the same when you borrow someone elses know your bible front to back, side to side!
Anyhow...some scriptures to share.
Pastor has been speaking on a series of how we let the devil win.
John 10:10 says: The thief's purpose is to STEAL, KILL, & DESTROY! My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.
I Peter 5:8-9 Stay Alert and be aware of the devils tactics!
5:8 - Be careful - watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart.
5:9 - Stand firm when he attacks. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too.
So how does the devil win!?
We need to be able to sense when the devil is brewing up some stuff!
- He tells us lies
- He attempts to separate relationships
- He damages relationships with others through accusations.
How do we address the source of our anger?
II Timothy 2:23 - Again I say, don't get involved in foolish arguments which only upset people and make them angry.
When people are in strife its time to come to their senses!
Ephesians 4:26-27
4:26 - If you are angry, don't sin by nursing your grudge. Don't let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly;
4:27 - for when you are angry you give a mighty foothold to the devil.
Proverbs 29:22 - A hot tempered man starts fights and gets into all kinds of trouble.
When does our anger become a problem? When it happens
- too frequently
- too long
- and too intense
So how do we address it?
1st we need to determine the SOURCE of our anger! Ask yourself..."Why am I SO angry!?
We must remember that a mad person cannot be a happy person.
Pastor Woods gave us Symptoms of someone with an Anger Problem:
1. Easily angered
2. Often angry
3. Lack of care of the impact of your words or actions
4. Frequent feeling that others are bad
5. Outbursts of words or actions that you later feel badly about
6. Others tell you that you have an anger problem
7. You have gotten in trouble due to your anger.
Next is to determine, what to do about it after determine your source!
Romans 12:17-18
12:17 - Never pay back evil for evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honest clear through.
12:18 - Don't quarrel with anyone. Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible.
****People really need to check their tone!!!!**** Agree?
Bottom line...all Gods children trip! But it is up to us to determine how we react to certain situations. Lets get it together people!
38 minutes ago
I feel the same about church--I don;t go often enough either. We are looking for a new one. The coolest thing about church is that every week something in the sermon speaks to you. Thanks for sharing Trisha ;)
thankx gurl---i really needed to read that--i'm going through some stuff myself at work--but i refuse to let the devil control any of it especially when it deals with me---
I agree Thank You I think that everyone needs to hear those words, no one is perfect.
Thank you for sharing those scriptures... I am definitely gonna go back & read now :)
Glad you made it! Seems like you got a blessing. ;)
needed this post right here today ..
Good day !.
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