1. Last Movie you Saw in a Theater: Please don't laugh, but it was, Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married"..hey its hard getting to the movies! Not to mention the cost!
2. Favorite Board Game: My all time favorite is Bargain Hunter! Me and my mom played it all the time, don't even think they sell it anymore....then I will say Sorry and "Imaginiif"
3. Favorite Smells: Breanna after a nice bath! The smell of BBQ brings joy to my heart!
4. Favorite Sound: Children laughing, especially little ones, their gut-belly laughs! bre is talking and shows affection to me and her dolls...she makes this noise like "awwwww..." while patting the back! CUTE!
5. Worst Feeling In The World: That I have disappointed someone or feeling that I could have done better in something.
6. Favorite Fast Food Place: I guess I will go with McD's...love their fries when they are HOT. Bakers is starting to rub on me.. bad...
7. Finish This Statement. “If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d…”: Pay off my moms home, purchase homes for Reggies mom, pay off cars, get hubby a boat as he has been wanting one. Pay off the freakin Department of Education!!! Invest the rest! (Being that social security benefits will be "exhausted" by 2041..according to a letter I received from them)
8. Do You Sleep With a Stuffed Animal? Um...no, but I still do have my receiving blanets..2 of them and yes they are always in the bed with me!
9. Storms-Cool Or Scary?: Both. Depends on if I am in it or not...I really don't like thunder...
10. Favorite drink: Dasani Water baby!
11. Finish This Statement, “If I Had The Time I Would …..” Scrap Scrap Scrap! Clean out my dresser draws, organize my closet, ya know...detail cleaning!
12. If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice? I am happy with my dark brown hair.
13. One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You: Dawn...very inspirational and leaves me sweet comments! =) Oh...and nope, she didn't send it to me either, I kinda just copied and paste...would that be considered stealing? LOL! Definately not borrowing it! LOL! I don't think she minds!
14. What’s Under Your Bed? Dust, maybe one of Nallas tennis balls...they always end up under a couch or bed (our dog), maybe a pair of shoes or two...
15. Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again? I agree with Dawn...Yes, but only with thinner bones, LOL.
16. Morning Person Or Night Owl? I don't like getting up in the morning but after I finally wake up and shake it off...I would say I enjoy the mornings...I can't stay up late anymore...
17. Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up? Neither! Scrambled well...
18. Favorite Place To Relax: Somewhere on vacation, in which I am LONG overdue!!!
19. Favorite Pie: I don't eat pies...sorry, I know I am weird!
20. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Baskin Robins Oreo Cookie & Cream! Yummy!
10 hours ago
WHAT!! You don't like BR "Banilla" anymore! I know tooo much about you!! LOL
Great answers! I did this one on my blog too.
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